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Vuzix Blade 2 smart glasses +3

Vuzix has introduced its 3rd generation Blade 2 smart glasses for list price of $1299.99.  The company website claims it will start taking orders next month.  I've spent some time looking over the specs, and what I can tell at a glance is that these are getting closer, but still at least an iteration away from wowing mass markets.  That's not their target, though.  The company currently appears to be targeting the manufacturing, healthcare, product picking, and field service industries.  As such, I don't see this as a game changer.

Specifically, the software and processor on the glasses still seems to be to behind the curve and under-powered for seamless integration with general Android apps.  I also have a question in to the company about active operating time on a single charge, which is critically absent from the spec sheet.  It is claimed that the glasses are capable of recording 2+/-0.5 hours of video, but it may be that refers to storage and does not consider battery use.  I will update if I get a meaningful answer.

In the meantime, VUZI is up a mere 2% so far on this mid-day announcement and I view that as appropriate.