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Ebix preview and MicroVision pilot LiDAR ?3

Ebix will report its fourth quarter results tomorrow morning.  The average expectations from 4 analysts covering the company call for EPS of 95 cents from $130M in revenue, with that figure expected to improve to $139M in the current quarter.  EBIX shares are right where I've thought they should be, after a brief run to $62 around a media event where India's prime minister spoke.  Offsetting that has been an escalation of perennial tensions with Pakistan, but the rupee is back above $0.014 on signs that those are easing.  I've been clear about having no love for Ebix management, and that the investment has always been largely about exposure to India and its currency for me.  Consequently, I will write about the report, but I still see further upside as a second half prospect.

VOD could still be a safer though less pure investment in such emerging markets, but that is still being masked by Brexit not just at the moment, but quite possibly for most of March, due to more delays.  I have to admit that I never imagined the Brits make quite this much of a mess of things, but I still think technological advances and network optimization will prove more important over the long term.  AMSC would be another option, but not while its stock price is at unrealistic levels. 

Finally, MicroVision has followed up its earnings schedule by saying it will ship the Explorer Edition of its 3D LiDAR engine.  The specs from the press release make it look worthwhile:

This increases my interest in that call, where I will want to see if management can finally start putting some quantification on its plans and terms like "select customers".